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An OSHS Tradition: The Field Day Talent Show

Talent show registration forms can be found outside of the cafeteria.
Talent show registration forms can be found outside of the cafeteria.
Caroline Ancona

The OSHS talent show, a yearly occurrence during field day, will be occurring this year on October 25, as a conclusion to the OSHS Spirit Week that leads to the Homecoming Dance on October 26th. Students will be able to enjoy this tradition after a fun-filled day of games and activities. 

Junior Katherine Demuelimeester states,”The talent show is a great way to end spirit day as everyone is usually exhausted. It’s also a great way to entertain students while they rest after the day.” Many students who have special talents love to showcase them to peers for others to enjoy. Katherine states that she loves the talent show because she loves, “playing music for people and it is a great way to bring people together.”  

Though each year is very different, the talent shows usually seem to encompass the same type of acts, but each year is filled with surprises as well. Dr. Milton, a teacher involved in the process of the talent show, states that the acts usually include, “Dancing…singing, or comedy. We’ve also had break-dancing and magic shows; so basically just like a variety show.” These are the most common types of acts but as Mrs. Torre-Reilly, the Student Government advisor says, “We’re also looking for some unique talent.” 

The newly appointed organizer of the talent show, Mrs. Willis, shares that she is excited about this upcoming talent show. Although she is new to teaching at Old Saybrook High School, she was a student here at OSHS and viscerally remembers the excitement and fun that the talent show brought to her: “The talent show was a big deal when I was in high school and everybody’s favorite part of field day.” Furthermore, this year for the talent show Willis plans to bring excitement to the event, and promote it throughout the school. In doing so, she aspires to create the same kind of cheer that OSHS talent shows brought her. When asked how she plans to increase talent show participation and overall cheer she stated, “I’m excited to hopefully get some involvement going this year and I am hoping that it gets to the level of fun that my talent show was.” 

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If you are interested in signing up for the talent show, Mrs. Willis is planning to utilize the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria for forms. Another venue of signup will be through the Student Government. Mrs. Torre states, “Right now, signing up will be through student government, so you can see myself, Mrs. Torre, Mrs. Scherber, … or even any of the executive board members like Caroline Ancona.” 

Finally, Mrs. Willis stated, “If anyone has questions they can come and see me or Dr. Milton,” and concluded by saying,“ [I am] thrilled that people are interested in this talent show… and hoping it will continue for many years to come.”

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