On Friday, February 7th, the OSHS Jazz ensemble, along with a few Friday Jazz Combo students, attended the 2025 UConn Jazz Festival at the Storrs Campus. This was a non-competitive and educationally rewarding experience that provided a forum to support each ensemble’s efforts while enhancing skills in the jazz idiom such as performing in front of an audience and being in a college-level setting.
Following OSHS students’ arrival to campus alongside conductor Jeremy Taylor, they watched other schools from around the area play three jazz pieces each. Students were particularly excited to see bands such as Hall High School, who does a tour around Europe every other year, perform their repertoire. When it was time for the OSHS students to perform, they played three tunes: The Preacher, Cherry Point, and April in Paris.
After their performance concluded, students headed into a classroom to work privately with UConn jazz professor, John Mastroianni. He gave the band personalized feedback on their songs and how they could improve their skills to achieve college-level playing. Following the clinic, all students headed back to the stage to watch the UConn Jazz Band perform four pieces. These students had only had five rehearsals to learn these songs, however it sounded like they had been practicing for years.
Conductor Jeremy Taylor answered the following when asked why he chose to send his students on this trip. “I wanted kids to hear jazz played from other schools, and how they were similar and different from the way we run our jazz program. I wanted them to see what’s possible for their jazz career after high school. Finally, I wanted the students to work with a college professor, and I am so happy we got John.” The professor for the OSHS private workshop was John Mastroianni, who just so happened to teach Mr. Taylor back when he was in high school. “John made me the teacher I am today.”
Not only did Mr. Taylor enjoy the experience, students also enjoyed the day. Junior Kathryn DeMeulemeester stated “It was such a fun and memorable experience! I loved hearing the UConn Jazz band play, they were phenomenal. I can’t wait to go back next year if we get the chance. Being the only violin player was able to open my mind to many different playing skills.”